Macau is an international free port and a world center for tourism and leisure. It serves as a bridge and link between Eastern and Western economies and cultures, with a profound cultural heritage that blends both. Shanxi, on the other hand, is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. In recent years, economic and trade exchanges between Shanxi and Macau have been continuously strengthening, and more and more "Shanxi good products" are making their way into Macau. A series of posters will take you on a journey to learn about them.
山西日报、山西晚报、山西农民报、山西经济日报、山西法制报、山西市场导报所有自采新闻(含图片)独家授权山西新闻网发布,未经允许不得转载或镜像;授权转载务必注明来源,例:"山西新闻网-山西日报 "。